Corporate ChatGPT connected to SharePoint

Описание к видео Corporate ChatGPT connected to SharePoint

0:00 - Intro
00:18 - Demo
00:38 - Preparing SharePoint
00:38 - Preparing SharePoint
00:55 - Create App Registration
01:07 - Create OpenAI Service
01:29 - Create AI Search
01:48 - Install Postman
01:29 - Create AI Search
03:50 - Deploy Chatbot website
04:44 - Wrap up

🔗 Instructions on how to create an Azure App Registration

🔗 Instructions on how to create an Azure AI Service

🔗 Cognitive Search API - SharePoint Data Source.json file

🔗 TSPUG Sept 2023 Using SharePoint as an Enterprise Data Source for a Private GPT Chatbot - YouTube
   • TSPUG Sept 2023 Using SharePoint as a...  


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