Watching Incredible Ibex Wild Mountain Goats Compiled for Kids & Family Show Time 17 Minutes

Описание к видео Watching Incredible Ibex Wild Mountain Goats Compiled for Kids & Family Show Time 17 Minutes

Ibex Wild Mountain Goats
Ibex (plural: ibexes or ibices) are several species of wild goats belonging to the genus Capra.
They are distinguished by the large recurved horns of the males, which have transverse ridges in front.
Ibexes inhabit regions across Eurasia, North Africa, and East Africa.
Species of Ibex:
Asian Ibex (Siberian Ibex):
Capra sibirica
Found in central Asian deserts and the northwestern Himalayas.
Stands 80–100 cm high at the shoulder and weighs around 60 kg.
Males have long pointed beards and scimitar-shaped horns with prominent ridges.
Their coat is dark brown with greyish underparts, and they exhibit sexual dimorphism.
Adapted to rugged terrain as an anti-predator strategy.
Alpine Ibex:
Capra ibex
Inhabits the European Alps.
Found in countries such as France, Bulgaria, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and Slovenia.
Introduced to ranches in the United States, Canada, and Argentina.
Iberian Ibex (Spanish Ibex):
Capra pyrenaica
Restricted to mountainous enclaves of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal, and French Pyrenees).
Approximately 50,000 Spanish ibex exist on the Iberian Peninsula.
Sadly, two subspecies went extinct, but the Pyrenean Ibex was cloned in 2003 (though it didn’t survive).
Nubian Ibex:
Capra nubiana
Occurs in the Middle East, including the Red Sea hills of Sudan and highlands in Egypt.
Smallest ibex species, adapted for arid environments.
Physical Characteristics:
Ibexes have long, curved horns and cloven hooves.
Males sport impressive beards.
They are related to antelopes, buffalo, bison, cattle, goats, and sheep.
Habitat and Social Behavior:
Ibexes are well-adapted to life in harsh mountain environments.
They inhabit a variety of habitats, from rocky crags to grassy meadows.
Social animals, they live in herds of up to 30 individuals.

The mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus), also known as the Rocky Mountain goat, is a remarkable cloven-footed mammal endemic to the remote and rugged mountainous regions of western North America.
These sure-footed climbers are commonly seen on sheer rock faces, near-vertical cliffs, and icy passages.
Despite their name, mountain goats are not true goats (such as the wild goat from which domestic goats are derived). Instead, they are more closely related to other bovids known as “goat-antelopes.”
Physical Characteristics:
Beards and Coats: Mountain goats have distinctive beards and long, warm coats that protect them from cold temperatures and biting mountain winds. Their dazzling white coats provide excellent camouflage in snowy heights. During the more moderate summer season, they shed this coat.
Jumping Ability: These powerful yet nimble creatures can jump nearly 12 feet in a single bound.
Habitat and Behavior:
Habitat: Mountain goats primarily inhabit alpine and subalpine environments. They are often found traversing nearly vertical cliffs.
Climbing Skills: Exceptional climbers, they use their large, muscular forequarters to scale steep slopes of 60 degrees or more.
Hooves: Mountain goats have cloven hooves, which spread out when needed for stability.
Evolution and Classification:
The mountain goat belongs to the subfamily Caprinae, along with true goats, wild sheep, chamois, muskox, and other species.
Their ancestors likely diverged from relatives around 7.5 to 8 million years ago.
While not directly related, the Himalayan takins evolved in parallel from an ancestral goat.
The known fossil record of mountain goats is fairly recent, entirely from North America, and closely resembles living animals.
Predators and Defense:
Mountain goats avoid venturing into lower elevations, relying on extreme elevation as their primary defense against predators such as black bears, brown bears, pumas, and wolves.
They are agile and methodical climbers, adapted to the insecure footing of snow-covered and icy cliffs, where predators hesitate to follow.
In summary, mountain goats are remarkable creatures perfectly adapted to their challenging alpine habitats. Their ability to thrive in such extreme conditions is awe-inspiring! (AI generated).

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