What Happened in Abbotabad Compound? | 2nd May 2011 & US Pak Relations | Syed Muzammil Official

Описание к видео What Happened in Abbotabad Compound? | 2nd May 2011 & US Pak Relations | Syed Muzammil Official

This video analyses in detail the comprehensive report written by famous American Journalist Seymour Hersh on Abbotabad compound incident on the night of 2nd of May, 2011, conducted by stealth helicopters and Pakistani officials made sure that they stay lowkey during the raid. It sparked global controversy and Pakistan’s government remain unclear as to whether they should celebrate it or condemn it, while the US President Barack Obama thanked Pakistan for assisting them.

#abbotabadcompound #USPAKrelations #obama #generalkyani

Seymour Hersh’s detailed report link:


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