HARD TECHNO: The Hidden Techniques Of Alignment, Kobosil, Klangkuenstler

Описание к видео HARD TECHNO: The Hidden Techniques Of Alignment, Kobosil, Klangkuenstler

FREE Guide - Learn how to finish at least one great-sounding song per month: https://pickyourself.com/framework

In this video, you'll discover how to make Hard Techno like Alignment, Kobosil, and Klangkuenstler by using production, mixing, and mastering principles that are designed for maximum loudness and aggression. My name is Philip from Pick Yourself, and I've created this channel to help electronic music producers like you make meaningful progress with their music.

There's an art and science to producing contemporary Hard Techno. Achieving both aggression and loudness as well as emotion and impact is no easy feat. But fear not, because in this video, I'm going to walk you through a method step by step on how to get to insanely loud Hard Techno productions that strike the perfect balance between aggression and emotion.

You're going to learn how to use mixing effects like compression, EQ, saturation, limiting, and even creative effects like vocoding to get to this sound. We'll dive into the techniques used by artists like Alignment, Kobosil, and Klangkuenstler to craft that signature Hard Techno punch. Whether you're working with Ableton Live, FL Studio, or your favorite DAW, the principles I'll share can be applied to elevate your tracks.

It's time to unlock the secrets behind Hard, Raw Techno's unique sound.

1-on-1 Coaching: https://pickyourself.com/coaching
Online course: https://pickyourself.com/prolific-pro...
Mixing & Mastering: https://copilco-productions.com


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