The PS3 Can Fix Modern Gaming

Описание к видео The PS3 Can Fix Modern Gaming

In the flurry of amazing PS3 content being uploaded to YouTube recently, I was inspired to get a PS3 and revisit some amazing games. What I didn't expect was the possibility that this console could be the answer to modern gaming issues.

Please keep in mind this is simply my perspective and opinion, and I'm happy to be proven wrong. Enjoy!

Instagram: retrorangerreviews

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Watch the video to learn what this is!

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  / doompop  

00:00 Intro
01:00 The cost of the PS3
02:15 Graphics
03:15 Why is the PS3 amazing?
03:28 Patches and Updates
04:26 Game dev mentality
05:00 Game not complete on disc
05:55 Immorality
06:14 The games!
07:12 PS3 can save modern gaming
08:26 The correct use of patches/updates
08:55 The value of money in 2024
10:46 Trivia answer and Music Track Unlock
11:00 Thank you and SUBSCRIBE


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