Final Medley - Takeover Medley But it's Toca Toca Takeover vs. Rival club (fnf Doki Doki Takeover)

Описание к видео Final Medley - Takeover Medley But it's Toca Toca Takeover vs. Rival club (fnf Doki Doki Takeover)

Too lazy using visualizer lol :/

I made this cover for my new fixed chromatics scales! Aswell just for fun lol. The reason why Satemesis is the only one wears casual because she's a Sunset Satsurival, of course she wears different than others duh :v

Also yes, Spiky's chromatics was made using my voice

Characters in order:
-Spiky (me)
-Betty (vampire)
-Shizuko (shapeshift/true form/alien form)
-Satemesis (Sunset Satsurival)

The Chromatics, released!:

Sprites (not animated):

Doki Doki takeover:

Spiky over BF! (+chromatics) :

@Santu_Michi DWPs :

Takeover Medley by @HighPoweredKeyz ft. @StardustTunes , @JACKALRUIN , @GGalactigal & @datdavi

Inspired by @DisneyNintendoMan309Three
Characters and Chromatics by me (@Grim-chan67 / @Grim-chanAlt67 )
Shiori, Satemesis, and Satsurival dwp by @Santu_Michi
Satsurival animated by @dog_n4p
FLP by @shammaldoggo
Satemesis/Satsurival chromatics made using @haesson_fnf fusions

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