Aerie Loop - Exploring North West Sedona

Описание к видео Aerie Loop - Exploring North West Sedona

Day two of our West Sedona excursion. We started out heading due south on Cockscomb. It was a nice gradual warmup for the first quarter mile. Then we hit the foot of the ridge and climbed a steep switchback section that brought us up to a great view out across the valley to the north and east. Once we rounded the north end of the hill, we hit a somewhat level but fairly rocky section of trail. It was a rough ride for most of the way until we dropped back down into the low lying hills on the south western end of the mountain. The rest of the way back wound through rolling hills that steadily brought us back down to intersect with Cockscomb trail once again and then to the trail head. As far as Sedona trails go, in my opinion, it was decent. But not like Chuckwagon Trail which we'd travesed the day before, or any of the other trails I've riddden so far. However, it was little to no traffic and the vistas were well worth the effort


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