Circles & Squares Mass Crush 💚

Описание к видео Circles & Squares Mass Crush 💚

This is a mass crush if all my green powder 💚 Injust the te texture of this powder soft yet crispy crunchy! I was gonna wait to post this as my 5k celebration crush🥳 but I just couldn’t! I had to share it now! Hope you all enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed crushing it! 🫶🫠

My first bulk chalk order through alibaba has officially shipped out and I should be getting it in a few short weeks! I didn’t pay extra for shipping it by plane so it’s coming by boat and I am soo anxious and excited I can hardly wait!!! I am praying it is soft.. the person I dealt with said they deal with asmr GC artist all the time and have always gotten good feedback that their chalk is soft! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

I have soo many reforms sitting and have not had time to go crush😅 I also ordered a new (to me) chalk brand from Amazon that just got delivered today the reviews said it was soft and it was to an extent but also not and when you crush it it becomes very pebbly/crumbly. I didn’t hate it.. I have the one test block I rushed today reformed and drying already along with a dyed and a pasted block of this brand to see how it feels reformed dyed and pasted! Hoping it softens a bit! Anyway I’m rambling goodnight all!

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