Are you trying to get pregnant? Do you know how to time intercourse? When is your fertile window?

Описание к видео Are you trying to get pregnant? Do you know how to time intercourse? When is your fertile window?

Are you trying to get pregnant? Do you know how to time intercourse? When is your fertile window? When should you have intercourse? In order to determine this, we need to first understand the calendar method. This is using the presumption that you have regular cycles with a normal luteal phase (all tracking apps use some version of this method for cycle tracking). First, subtract the length of the average luteal phase (14 days) from the total cycle length. This is your estimated ovulation day. The egg only lives for 24 hours after ovulation, but sperm live for up to 5 days - so the fertile window is 5 days before and then the day of ovulation. The goal is to have intercourse in this window to optimize conception, and there is not evidence to restrict to every other day, especially if you normally have intercourse daily, or are tracking cycles - the top days to time intercourse would be the day of ovulation and the day before. #ttc #ovulation #infertility

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