【恶作剧238】要不是我机智 差点被揍.If I hadn't been quick-witted, I would have almost been beaten.

Описание к видео 【恶作剧238】要不是我机智 差点被揍.If I hadn't been quick-witted, I would have almost been beaten.

The effect of my show is okay, but I almost got beaten by my little brother.
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【恶作剧121】如果是你和她一样在电梯里遇到僵尸钢铁侠 你会害怕吗.Zombie iron man funny prank.
   • 如果是你和她一樣在電梯裡遇到殭屍鋼鐵俠 你會害怕嗎【殭屍鋼鐵俠搞笑惡作劇1...  
【恶作剧122】突然从背后抱住他 他被吓傻了.Suddenly he was hugged from behind and he was frightened.
   • 這小伙計被泰迪熊直接從背後抱住了 嚇了他一跳【泰迪熊的搞笑惡作劇122】|...  
【恶作剧123】铜雕塑突然动了一下 女友就不管男友跑掉了.The bronze sculpture suddenly moved, and the girlfriend ran away regardless of her boyfriend.
   • 銅雕塑突然動了一下 女友就不管男友跑掉了【雕塑搞笑惡作劇123】|惡作劇嚇...  
【恶作剧124】妹子说如果铁血战士动一下 她就会被吓尿.The girl said that if the Predator moved, she would be frightened and pee.
   • 妹子說如果鐵血戰士動一下 她就會被嚇尿【鐵血戰士搞笑惡作劇124】|惡作劇...  
   • 看什麼?還不快來一起打籃球?【雞你太美搞笑惡作劇125】|惡作劇嚇人|Th...  
【恶作剧126】垃圾桶里的黑色蜘蛛侠 到底有多吓人.How scary is the black Spider-Man in the trash can?
   • 垃圾桶裡的黑色蜘蛛俠 到底有多嚇人【蜘蛛俠搞笑惡作劇126】|惡作劇嚇人|...  
【恶作剧127】魔法树?对着树射水 就会长高?Magic tree? Shooting water at a tree will make it grow taller?
   • 魔法樹?對著樹射水 就會長高?【叢林人搞笑惡作劇127】|惡作劇嚇人|Fu...  
【恶作剧128】当景区内的“铜人雕塑”突然动起来之后...When the "Bronze Man Sculpture" in the scenic area suddenly moved...
   • 當景區內的“銅人雕塑”突然動起來之後...【雕塑搞笑惡作劇128】|惡作劇...  
【恶作剧129】盔甲版死侍有了机械音 变得更可怕了.The armored version of Deadpool has a mechanical voice and becomes scarier
   • 盔甲版死侍有了機械音 變得更可怕了【盔甲版死侍搞笑惡作劇129】|惡作劇嚇...  
【恶作剧130】被人泰迪熊吓得大叫的妹子们.Girls who screamed after being frightened by someone's teddy bear
   • 被人泰迪熊嚇得大叫的妹子們【泰迪熊的搞笑惡作劇130】|惡作劇嚇人|Fun...  
【整活挑战/Funny Challenge】   • 挑战万圣节里 在单身游客面前亲吻.Challenge to kiss in...  
【漫展/comic con】   • cos丧尸钢铁侠去漫展  你比我可怕多了.Cosplay enthusia...  
【恶作剧/prank】   • 整活!装扮成“老虎”靠近动物会怎么样?  
【cos服深度评测/COS clothing evaluation】   • 五分钟 带你深度评测钢铁死侍cos服.In-depth review of...  

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