Released From the Cage: Apache Kafka Without Its ZooKeeper - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat

Описание к видео Released From the Cage: Apache Kafka Without Its ZooKeeper - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat

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Released From the Cage: Apache Kafka Without Its ZooKeeper - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat

For years, Apache Kafka relied on Apache ZooKeeper for maintaining its metadata and coordination. But that is coming to an end. After a lot of work in the Apache Kafka community, ZooKeeper is going away from Apache Kafka and it will be replaced with its own Raft-inspired implementation called KRaft. This is a major architecture change for all Kafka users, including those running Kafka on Kubernetes. And it affects also projects such as Strimzi that provide tooling for running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. So, how does it work? What are the advantages? What does this change mean for the existing ZooKeeper-based Kafka clusters? What are the main challenges and limitations when using Kraft on Kubernetes? What are the changes we had to make in the Strimzi project to make it ready for KRaft? All of this will be answered in this talk including a short demo of what Strimzi support for KRaft looks like.


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