v1.06 Punch Club 50-day speedrun (Way of the Turtle)

Описание к видео v1.06 Punch Club 50-day speedrun (Way of the Turtle)

Started from a day 1 save to spare you from watching me restart the game over and over until I start with the skills I want :) Prior to the video:

- Eat pizza for breakfast
- Walk to the store (not the construction yard)
- Select "Strong Arms"

Ending Stats: 11-str, 6-agi, 13-sta

Build Order:
Tactics Learner
High Punch
Meat Runner
Skip Attacks
Backhand Punch
Good Sneakers
Way of the Turtle
Hard Block
Bear Hug
Anger Train
Forehead Blow
Pain Lover
Barrel Strike
Stamina Focus
Meat Runner III
Infinite Energy
No Rest
Iron Curtain
Fine Block
Back Breaker
Shining Knight
Active Skill II


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