Abrupt events and population synchrony in the dynamics of Bovine Tuberculosis

Описание к видео Abrupt events and population synchrony in the dynamics of Bovine Tuberculosis

We have analysed a long-term epidemiological time series of Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB). In the UK, during the foot and mouth epidemic of 2001, cattle testing against bTB was abruptly interrupted for a relatively short time period. We show that the changes in epidemiological parameters during the short-lasting unmanaged time while testing was suspended resulted in longer infection cycles and the cycles are more widely synchronised in areas where the disease is more persistent. This synchrony can disappear where controls are more effective and spread mechanisms reduced. Moustakas A, Evans MR, Daliakopoulos IN, Markonis Y. (2018) Abrupt events and population synchrony in the dynamics of Bovine Tuberculosis. Nature Communications; 9: 2821. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04915-0
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