Mystique of Kashmir Sapphires

Описание к видео Mystique of Kashmir Sapphires

The quality of sapphires from Kashmir. Discovered in 1881 in the district of Padar Jamu and Kashmir province in India, Kashmir sapphires are found at an altitude of about 4,400 meters. Mining operations were intermittently conducted in various localities, yielding stones with varying color and transparency. Kashmir sapphires are known for their velvety blue color, which results from microscopic features of unknown nature.

The stones display unique characteristics, such as inclusions like pargasite, teraline, milky lines, and short traverse streaks. The presence of light rubies, occasional chromium absorption, and the blue color's origin are discussed in detail. The absorption curves of Kashmir sapphires are similar to those from Sri Lanka. Inclusions like cloudiness, dust tracks, and orill needles are identified through powerful oblique illumination. The video highlights the complexity of healing fissures, veils, and various crystallographic structures in Kashmir sapphires.

Despite the exhaustion of mines for the last 50 years, Kashmir sapphires remain highly regarded, and their origin is crucial for determining their value. Large price differences exist on the market, emphasizing the importance of a credible origin report. However, the video concludes that a definite geographical origin is not a guarantee of high quality, and the value should be assessed based on the stone's beauty, including color, size, transparency, and cut, as the origin of many stones cannot be precisely determined.


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