McDavid Workout for Crossover Power 🏒

Описание к видео McDavid Workout for Crossover Power 🏒

How is McDavid so freakishly fast? We use exercises found in training videos of McDavid mixed with Coach Dan’s expertise to provide you with 2 “McDavid Workouts” you can use for maximum crossover and stride power.

If you’re ready for a full program to improve your skating speed check out our online programs below:

30-Day Breakaway Speed 2.0 System -

Off-Season Domination -

The above training programs will provide you with weekly routines to follow during the off-season to improve your skating speed. Off-Season Domination is a full off-season program with resistance training, while the Breakaway Speed System is a more compact 30-day training blitz for max speed.


Gym Workout:

A1: Lateral Prowler Push 4 x 5 yds/side [10 secs rest]
A2: Crossover Hurdle Jumps 4 x 3/direction [120 secs rest]

B1: BB Front Squat 4 x 5 [10 secs rest]
B2: 180-Degree Squat Jumps 4 x 3/side [120 secs rest]

C1: Banded Lateral Lunges w/ DBs 3 x 5/side [0 secs rest]
C2: Copenhagen Plank 3 x 10 secs/side [0 secs rest]
C3: BB Hip Thrust 3 x 10 [0 secs rest]
C4: Slider Rollout 3 x 10 [90 secs rest]

Field Workout:

A: McDavid Linear Crossover Sprint: 5 x 15 yds [90 secs rest]

B: Half-Kneeling Cross Body Slam Into Carioca: 4 x 10yds [90 secs rest]

C: Broad Jump Into Sprint: 5 x 15 yds [90 secs rest]

D1: Reverse Medicine Ball Scoop Toss: 3 x 1 [0 secs rest]
D2: Superman Hold: 3 x 30 secs [0 secs rest]
D3: Side Plank With Reach: 3 x 8/side [60 secs rest]

*Exercises grouped together are to be done back to back (after the provided rest). For example, with Superset A in the Gym workout, you would perform A1, rest 10 secs, perform A2, rest 120 secs and repeat for the full 4 sets. Or with the "C" Quadplex, you would run through all four exercises with no rest between before resting 90 seconds and repeating.

**Make sure you follow the rest periods because this is speed training, not conditioning training. You need maximum recovery between sets here so you can move at the all-out velocities you need to move at to force your body to adapt to a new level of speed output.

***If you have any questions about how these workouts are set up, feel free to ask in the comment section!


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