Final Fantasy IX - Zidane's Depression (Scenes & Battles)

Описание к видео Final Fantasy IX - Zidane's Depression (Scenes & Battles)

After having learned who he really is (the previous video), Zidane falls into a major depression which is shown in this video. It is actually an incredibly amazing part of the game, if not only for the music alone, which is generally considered one of the best songs of the entire series.

9:15 for Bahamut summon, if you're curious. I used it since I figured it's the perfect time to showcase a summon.


Make sure you watch the last video if you want to know why Zidane is like this, or it will make less sense.

spoilers for video

So anyway, Eiko and Vivi try to help Zidane, but Zidane refuses their help and stumbles on into a bunch of fights in which all the party members help him with. They're not really hard fights unless you do them stupidly wrong.

The very end of the video shows Zidane realizing he's an idiot and them all grouping back together to go take out Garland.


The fights could use some strategy, but really just keep Zidane alive until the members join the fight and then you can go to town on them. Just be careful of the last enemy, it has a Smash move which reduces your HP to 1.


By the way guys, don't forget you can donate to me if you want to support my channel! Anything is accepted, and if I raise enough I'll hold some kind of poll on what game you guys want me to play!

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