Nostalgiawatch 2

Описание к видео Nostalgiawatch 2

Pretty sure my mom said the exact opposite of "put your damn headset back on son, you got a game to play" to me in high school

My early Christmas gift to you all. Happy holidays :)

I've been working on this for a month or two, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I don't own any of these clips, these people do:
  / aimbotcalvin  
  / xqcow  
  / timthetatman  
  / carbonentertainment  
  / a_seagull  
  / rascal0723  
  / supertf  
  / overwatchcontenders  
  / avast  
  / esl_overwatch  
  / overwatchopen  
  / emongg  
  / surefour  
  / moonmoon  
(Most moonmoon clips I took from Banquet Gaming's video "MOONMOON_OW's most famous moments" on Youtube because of Twitch DMCA)
  / overwatchleague  
  / ogn  

Other clips (like the Lunatic-Hai vs Runaway footage) taken from Akshon Esports YouTube.

Music used:
Comet Observatory 3 from Super Mario Galaxy
Death by Glamour from Undertale

Outro song by Smurf :)
  / smurf5  


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