Government Fails! 😡💸 Big Money Dominates - See What's Really Happening! 🌍

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Effectively what we have is a government that's captured by big finance and big business. And I think they're frightened of big construction and big gas and big mining and are not actually willing to tackle the critical issues that are there.

So they spray very small amounts of money that they've got around the place, probably risk lifting inflation and pulling in the opposite directions to the Reserve Bank. So it'll be interesting to see what the RBA does.

This is not actually sensible serious policy from government. So interesting to see what will happen over the next 12 months.

There will be an election of course because this was an election budget at the end of the day. Consumer sentiment is through the floor and it's been there for a long time, no surprise because people I think are smarter than governments think they are!


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