Bush Barrow Chieftain - Britain's richest Bronze Age burial, close to Stonehenge

Описание к видео Bush Barrow Chieftain - Britain's richest Bronze Age burial, close to Stonehenge

The Bush Barrow Chieftain was buried close to Stonehenge and is Britain;s richest Bronze Age burial. This video, shot as part of the British Museum 'World of Stonehenge' Exhibition in 2022, looks at the ceremonial gold objects buried with the Chieftain and tells us about how technologically sophisticated people were some 4,000 years ago. The Chieftain was buried just after 2,000 BC, halfway between the construction of the sarsen circle at Stonehenge and when it was no longer used in around 1,500 BC. He was buried with axes and daggers, strikingly similar to those carved on the sarsen stones of the monument.


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