HAVANA TORTA - ljetni klasik koji svi vole! ☀️🏖

Описание к видео HAVANA TORTA - ljetni klasik koji svi vole! ☀️🏖

#justkatebake #recepti #kolači #dessert #cake #torte #recipe

Sastojci - ingrediants

Tostirati ljesnjake, otopiti 5 kasika secera i ljesnjake obloziti kadamelom. Ohladiti i nasjeckati.
First toast the hazelnuts, melt 5 tbsp of sugar and make caramel, add hazelnuts, chill and dice to be ready for the cake.

Krema - cream

15 g zelatine - gelatine
4 zl hladne vode - cold water to bloom the gelatine
500 ml mlijeka - milk
5 zl secera - tbsp of sugar
1 vanilin secer - vanilla sugar
- heat the milk and sugar until boiling, add bloomed gelatine, let it cool down until like yoghurt-consistency
- add 250- 300 ml vrhnja za slag - whipping cream.

Podloga - Base

2 zumanjka - egg yolk
50 gr maslaca - butter
4 zl griljaza - tbsp of diced caramel hazelnutts
3 zl brasna - tbsp of flour
Malo praska za pecivo - 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder
- make circle 20 cm. diametar
- bake 10 min at 180* C

Medjukore - middle layers

2 bjelanjka- egg whites
Prstohvat soli - pinch of salt
1 zl secera - tbsp of sugar
4 velike zl griljaza - tbsp of caramel diced hazelnuts
- make circle 20 cm.
- bake at 120* C for 30 min.

Chill cake wery well before serving.
Enjoy ❤️


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