Rebound Part Two (Tangerine Dream(s)) [NRSynth Ancestor & Retro One MK2]

Описание к видео Rebound Part Two (Tangerine Dream(s)) [NRSynth Ancestor & Retro One MK2]

Moog day! The real sound of old Moog with my NRSynths.
Title composed by Jean-Luc Briançon, from album " Rebound" :
Ancestor Moog clone, inspired by the MOOG 55 (1974) & Retro One MK2, clone of the Minimoog D (1972).
Set up (in 4 videos tracks) :
Up left : Ancestor M55 1 : main Sequence with both filter Moog & multi-mode Steiner Parker. Sequenced by SynthR4 / Vintage Delay VST.
Up right : Mister M Hansy : Mellotrons, Pro 800 B : polysynth analog, TORO Behringer : Big Moog bass.
Down right : Ancestor M55 2 : Drone controlled LFOs effects, Rhodes with PedalBoard.
Down left : Retro One : Minimoog D lead & M300 TC reverb/delay, S.E.1 Studio Electronics : LFO Effects, Ancestor M55 effects.


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