The Spy Plays Elevator Action

Описание к видео The Spy Plays Elevator Action

Yes, I know this fad is about a year old or so, though in all honesty I don't care if it is. A part of me wanted to make this simply for the purpose of making something (I've missed making videos a lot, actually, and I've been really wanting to get back to it for a while now), and partly because I like this particular fad in the first place. It seems like I always miss these sort of things until much, much later, though. Either way, this captured my attention enough in my free time to make a form of video on it, which will hopefuly get me back into the swing of things.

This could be considered an "I'm not dead yet" type of video, and in some ways it is. It's somewhat of a mix of filler/joke video/I'm not dead yet/why am I still up this late editing this thing? But I digress, I like how this turned out. I think I might do more of these if this one goes over well.

Also, before anyone asks. Yes, I am still working on my other projects (Ao Oni Plus). It's just been very slow recently due to real life issues.

That's about it for now. I hope you guys enjoy this...well, strange new video of mine. ^^


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