MapleSEA (Aquila) 90k STR Hero solo bossing montage 2023 (Pre-Newage)

Описание к видео MapleSEA (Aquila) 90k STR Hero solo bossing montage 2023 (Pre-Newage)

Hello everyone! So alot of you have been asking for an update bossing video and so I've finally taken the initiative to get it done ^^

The powerup you see in this video are as follows:
-liberated since April 2023
-upgraded from fafnir to eternal set
-rerolled plenty of mainpot from 30 to 36%
-rerolled a few addpot to stronger 3 lines
Event buffs: Wonstaraunt passive buff, Wonstaraunt title, Wonstaraunt bubbletea buff

Music: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel BGM - Climax Theme #5 (Extended)
[This video was made with Clipchamp]
Special Thanks! to my maple didi Hasumi for making the video possible and to Nikorus for helping with the music and arrangement choices.

Stay tuned for the 6th Job update video in the Newage chapter!

0:00 - Lotus
0:43 - Damien
1:35 - Will
2:13 - Cslime
4:23 - Lucid
5:35 - Cdusk
7:10 - Cdjunkel
7:53 - Hhilla


안녕하세요 Pearll입니다^^
보고싶은 영상이 있다면 댓글로 작성해주세요!
댓글과 좋아요는 큰 힘이 됩니다..!
항상 겸손한 자세로 꾸준하게 노력하겠습니다!!


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