What Remains of Edith Finch - Walkthrough & Platinum Trophy Guide (Trophy & 100% Achievement Guide)

Описание к видео What Remains of Edith Finch - Walkthrough & Platinum Trophy Guide (Trophy & 100% Achievement Guide)

► What Remains of Edith Finch - Walkthrough & Platinum Trophy Guide (Trophy & 100% Achievement Guide) rus199410 [PS5/Xbox One]
► What Remains of Edith Finch - Walkthrough & Platinum Trophy Guide (Trophy & 100% Achievement Guide) rus199410 [PS5/PS4/Xbox One]
► What Remains of Edith Finch - Full Game 100% Walkthrough (100% Achievement Guide) rus199410 [Xbox One/Steam]
► What Remains of Edith Finch - Полное прохождение игры на 100% и гид по всем игровым Достижениям (Гид для Трофеев и Достижений) rus199410 [Xbox One/Steam]
► What Remains of Edith Finch - Full Walkthrough & Platinum Trophy Guide (Trophy & 100% Achievement Guide) rus199410 [PS5/Xbox One/Steam]

[ENG] Hello everyone!
In this Video Guide, I will show you how to complete the game What Remains of Edith Finch on 100% in 4K.
Using my Step-by-Step Walkthrough guide and you get all Trophy or Achievements.

[RUS] Всем привет!
В этом видео гайде я покажу вам как пройти игру What Remains of Edith Finch на 100% в 4К.
Используя моё пошаговое руководство, вы получите все трофеи или достижения.

0:00:00 - Intro
0:00:07 - Edith's Story - The Beginning
0:00:51 Edith's Story - Trophy or Achievement 1: All Roads
0:02:42 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:03:30 Edith's Story - Peephole 1 (Does not affect on Trophy or Achievement!)
0:03:51 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:04:20 - Edith's Story - Peephole 2-7
0:06:09 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:06:52 - Molly’s Story - The Beginning
0:08:46 - Molly’s Story - Trophy or Achievement 2: Great Owl
0:09:55 - Molly’s Story - Continued
0:11:47 - Molly’s Story - Trophy or Achievement 3: Let Him Finish
0:13:52 - Molly’s Story - Continued
0:15:41 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:16:08 - Odin’s Story
0:17:18 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:18:32 - Calvin’s Story
0:20:34 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:21:28 - Barbara’s Story - The Beginning
0:24:12 - Barbara’s Story - Trophy or Achievement 4: Clear the Table
0:25:00 - Barbara’s Story - Continued
0:30:19 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:32:02 - Walter’s Story
0:35:34 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:38:46 - Edith's Story - Peephole 8 (Does not affect on Trophy or Achievement!)
0:38:57 - Edith's Story - Telescope
0:39:27 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:40:59 - Sam’s Story - The Beginning
0:41:23 - Sam’s Story - Trophy or Achievement 5: Wildlife Photographer
0:41:50 - Sam’s Story - Continued
0:43:22 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:43:58 - Gregory’s Story - The Beginning
0:44:35 - Gregory’s Story - Trophy or Achievement 6: G-R-E-G-O-R-Y
0:45:10 - Gregory’s Story - Continued
0:47:39 - Gus’s Story
0:50:21 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:51:15 - Edith's Story - Peephole 9
0:51:32 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:51:54 - Milton’s Story
0:52:45 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:53:26 - Edith's Story - Peephole 10 + Trophy or Achievement 7: A Closer Look
0:53:41 - Edith's Story - Continued
0:54:05 - Lewis’s Story
1:03:47 - Edith's Story - Continued
1:05:00 - Edie’s & Dawn’s Story
1:08:56 - Edith's Story - Continued
1:12:00 - Credits - Trophy or Achievement 8 & 9: Everything Ends & Thanks, Johann!
1:13:42 - Calvin’s Story (Replay a Story) - Trophy or Achievement 10 & 12: Replay a Story, Loop-de-loop-de-loop & All Done
1:16:18 - Ending

~ Trophy and Achievement List ~
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) All Roads / Все дороги
Take both paths to the house / Пройдите к дому обеими тропами
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) Great Owl / Большая сова
Catch 2 rabbits with only 2 swoops / Поймайте 2 зайцев всего за 2 пикирования
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) Let Him Finish / Пусть закончит
Let the drunken sailor finish his song / Дайте пьяному матросу допеть его песню.
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) Clear the Table / Чистый стол
Clear all balls off the pool table / Уберите все шары с бильярдного стола
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) Wildlife Photographer / Фотограф-натуралист
Take a picture of the rabbit outside Odin Finch National Park / Сфотографируйте зайца
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) G-R-E-G-O-R-Y / Г-Р-Е-Г-О-Р-И
Knock all the letters of Gregory's name into the bathtub / Сбейте все буквы имени «Грегори» в ванне
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) A Closer Look / Пристальный взгляд
Look in all peepholes and telescopes long enough to hear Edith's commentary / Глядите в дверные глазки и телескопы достаточно долго, чтобы услышать комментарий Эдит
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) Everything Ends / Конец всему
Finish all stories / Завершите все истории
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) Thanks, Johann! / Спасибо, Иоганн!
See Johann's name in the ending credits / Досмотрите заключительные титры до имени Иоганна
✔ (Golden Trophy / 0G) Replay a Story / Пройти историю заново
Replay a story after completing the game / Пройти историю заново после завершения игры
✔ (Golden Trophy / 100G) Loop-de-loop-de-loop / Рекурсия – см. Рекурсия
Play Calvin's story again / Пройдите историю Келвина еще раз
✔ (Platinum Trophy / 0G) All Done / Все готово
Unlock all trophies / Открыты все трофеи

#rus199410 #WhatRemainsOfEdithFinch #PlatinumTrophyGuide #TrophyGuide #AchievementGuide #PlayStation


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