Stable Diffusion Samplers - Which samplers are the best and all settings explained!

Описание к видео Stable Diffusion Samplers - Which samplers are the best and all settings explained!

This video will teach you everything you need to know about samplers in Stable Diffusion including how things change for SDXL and which samplers are which for ComfyUI.

First, I break down the differences between the samplers by comparing processing speed, convergence, and the minimum steps required. Afterwards, show which samplers result in similar inputs and use the results from the comparison to recommend a few samplers for you to use.

After that, we get into the really nerdy stuff. I show you what every single advanced setting in Automatic1111 does including Eta, Sigma Noise, Sigma Churn, the Scheduler, and more!

Intro - 00:00
Changes for SDXL - 00:42
ComfyUI Samplers vs Automatic1111 - 01:19
Processing Speed - 01:41
Convergence - 02:13
Minimum Steps - 03:10
Output Groups - 04:29
Group 1 - 04:54
Group 2 -06:43
Group 3 - 07:44
DPM Adaptive - 08:57
DPM Fast - 10:17
Advanced Sampler Settings - 10:47
Eta - 10:59
UniPC Settings - 12:00
Sigma Noise and Sigma Churn - 13:30
Schedulers, Sigma Noise, and Rho - 14:54


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